
WebPal Cloud Server is a document management (DM) server as much as a content management system (CMS) and application development environment. The web-based user interface (WUI) allows you to enter the different functions based on the rights assigned to you by your WebPal administrator. 

WebPal stores all documents, content, and user information in the WebPal Cloud, which consists of multiple data centres around the world.


Note: Your WebPal deployment is usually customized to satisfy the specific data security, retention, and residency requirements, so you may find that some of the features you see in your deployment may differ slightly from the sample screenshot provided here. 


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Getting Started with the WebPal Dashboard

Once your login on a WebPal Server is created, you can open your browser and navigate to:

Your login should have been sent to you via email. Usually, the first use created on any WebPal server uses the login admin. If you do not have the password, have a new temporary password sent to you using the forgot password function.

Upon login, you will be prompted to the WebPal welcome screen dashboard below:

webpal cloud server, document manager, content manager, admin panel


Documents such as Word documents, Excel sheets, notes, or any type of office document can be stored on the WebPal server, which automatically keeps track of versions, shares, and document history for each and every single file.

All stored documents can be referenced by websites managed on the same server, thus it is easy to link between documents and pages of content. Linking to a document typically refers to its latest version, which can be handy when posting documents to public websites.




A WebPal Cloud Server can store content for multiple, independent websites and assign specific users with the rights to edit, publish, and preview the site content.  PALs refer to a "site" or "web application" interchangeably, both have the same meaning.

Site content is organized in hierarchical pages, and available content elements range from simple text elements to larger content structures such as online product stores, or event calendars. Which content types are available depends on the extensions imported into your WebPal Site.





A Site can consist of multiple application components, also called extensions. These are generally kept in the extension node and can each be synchronized with remote git accounts and other WebPal Servers for collaboration. 

Using extensions, it is easy to build web application with completely custom functionality, such as database backends, dashboards, client portals, or media libraries. Extensions can be combined as building blocks to form larger web applications. Read more in the Application Development section for detailed developer how-tos. 
