WebPal provides three different ways to access the underlying functions of the WebPal Document Manager:
The input to all methods is XML text provided to the service in the body of an HTTP POST. The output is “text/xml” except for file downloads which returns the contents of a file with the appropriate mime type.
The input parameters can be passed either as attribute values of the root element, or as text or CDATA sections within elements whose tags are the parameter names.
For example, you can move and existing file with this request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request command="move"
Alternatively, you can upload a new file like so:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><request command="upload"
sessionID="bd7d8af5ab41407dac6666874c74c3ab"><dir><![CDATA[/dir/test1}}></dir><name><![CDATA[file1afddf}}></name><title><![CDATA[a document title}}></title><content><![CDATA[some text}}></content></request>
In the latter example, the command and session id are passed as attributes in the “request” element whereas the “dir”, “title”, and “content” are passed inside elements. The API method is always identified by the value of the parameter called “command”.
An example of the response XML is
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="ok"><result><path>/dir/test1/file1afddf</path></result></response>
The root element is tagged with “response”. The status attribute will be “ok” on success, “fail” if an error occurs. The return values are enclosed in the element tagged with “result”.
If an error occurs, the error message will be in an “error” element in the response, for example:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><response status="fail"><error>Bad path /dir/testb1</error></response>
In order to provide secure access, a client must first log into the web service. This is currently done through the “login” method, which takes a username and password as parameters. The method returns a session id which must be passed in as an argument to all subsequent calls.
There are two ways you can pass the session id to the service
The name of the XML attribute that identifies a file or folder is path. This can be either
Any boolean attribute is considered to be true if the value is a case insensitive match to “1”, “yes”, or “true”. It is considered false otherwise. The default value depends on the command.
Include Meta Data
Many of the file commands accept the boolean parameter “includeMetaData” which causes the result to include assorted file meta data.
Paging and Sort
Many of the commands that list WebPal items such as documents and folders or users accept parameters to control the position in the result set and number of items returned, analogous to the MySQL limit parameters:
Append text to a document
copyCopy a document or folder to another folder
createFolderCreate a folder. Note that path can contain / meaning create all folders in the the path
createGroupShareCreate a share to a group without sending an email
createSystemShareCreate a system share for a user identified by either login or user id. Logged in user must be admin if the requested user is not the logged in user.
csv.appendRowAdd a row to the end of a csv file. Assumes that the csv file has column names in the first row. The row to add is specified as a set of form elements having a column name and a value attribute.
deleteDelete a document or folder.
downloadStream the contents of a document to the output. Optionally watermark or stamp a PDF.
existsIf optional name is supplied, check if that subpath exists with the object if the object is a directory
fetchUserProfileRetrieve the user profile for the logged in user or an arbitrary user if admin.
fileCountCompute counts of the files and directories in a subtree
fileInfoReturn file metadata for the specified file(s). May return more than one result for shares of the same name.
generateThumbnailsRegenerate thumbnail, then dump the contents of the thumbnail to the output
getPrettyNameReturns the pretty name for a path
hasThumbnailCheck if a document has a thumbnail
iconDownload the contents of the document's icon. If name is given, the content disposition has that file name
indexAdd the file to the full text index.
introspectReturn all api commands with whatever documentation is available.
listActivityReturn a portion of the activity log
listDirectoryList the directory contents. If the path is "/" and pretty is true, list the user's root shares and ignore the other parameters.
listGroupsReturn all groups @response
listRootContentsList the merged contents of all of the root drives
listRootsReturn the root drives for the logged in user.
listUsersQuery the WebPal users.
loginLogin with a user and password supplied in the args.
logoutLog out from the session, clearing the cookie.
lookupGroupCheck if the named group exists, return information about the group if it exists.
lookupPrettyReturns the document id corresponding to the given pretty name
metaDataReturn the meta data for a file or folder
moveMove a document or folder to another folder
noMatchingUserCheck if an email or login exists in WebPal. One login or email must be provided. If both are provided, the email is checked.
pdfDownload the contents of a document pdf to the output
permissionsReturn the integer representing the permissions for the logged in user or the named user for a document or folder. Only an admin user can check the permission for other users.
pingSimply return 'ok', keeps session alive or fails if session expired.
recentActivityReturn recent activity display for the logged in user. This is a list of file records that have changed or been added or deleted.
renameRename a document or folder
resetPasswordReset a password and send an email to the email address if the email is known and unique.
setMetaDataChange meta data fields for a document or folder
shareShare one or more documents or folders with one or more users
thumbnailReturn the contents of a thumbnail
thumbnailOrImageDownload the contents of a document thumbnail to the output or if an image and no thumbnail, the image
toPDFGenerate PDFs for HTML downloaded from the specified URLs or for uploaded files. If no destination or path are specified, download the first PDF using the optional fileName
updateUserProfileUpdate the user profile for the logged in user or an arbitrary user if admin. Keys and values are specified as set elements of the request element.
uploadUpload a document to WebPal
userAddGroupsAdd a user to some groups.
userExistsCheck if an email or login exists in WebPal. Exactly one login or email must be provided.
userFileReturns the path name that would be used by the named user.
userInfoReturn information about a user.
userRemoveGroupsRemove a user from some groups.
userSharesDisplay the shares or the shared files (if result-type is files) for a user Select the user by id or by login. If WebPal is configured with ALLOW_EMAIL_AS_ALT_LOGIN, the login may be an email address and the user is looked up by email address. Only admin can look at other users. If result_type is files also accept standard paging parameters.
viewerLinkReturn file info for the identified file, including a viewer link.
Append text to a document
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
content | optional | string | The text to append |
The response contains a 'result" element with a single "path" element containing the meta data for the document.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="append" pretty="yes" path="/System Drive/report2.csv" content="x,y,z q,r,s "/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="report2.csv" path="695017313154591029" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="1" modified="1,2020-06-08 16:56:08" isdirectory="No" size="48" prettyName="/System Drive/report2.csv" iconPath="img/files/file.gif" mime-type="text/csv" version="92" parent="439541447604990017">695017313154591029</path>
Copy a document or folder to another folder
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
dir | optional | string | Destination folder as an id or path depending on value of pretty |
overwrite | optional | boolean | If true, allow the move to overwrite a file of the same name in the destination |
renameIfConflict | optional | boolean | Rename the copied file if there is a conflict |
incr | optional | boolean | Generate a name by appending a number if there is a conflict |
ifExists | optional | boolean | if true, don't return an error if source doesn't exist |
A result element containing - a count element containing the number of documents and folders copied - a path element with text content being the id of the copied object
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="copy" path="657080270669470254" dir="945653219145194140" renameIfConflict="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
Create a folder. Note that path can contain / meaning create all folders in the the path
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
name | optional | string | The name of the folder be created |
dir | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the dir as a symbolic path |
includeMetaData | optional | boolean | If true, add metadata for the document or folder to the path elements |
ifNotExists | optional | boolean | If true, do not return an error status if the folder exists |
A response element containing a path element for the new folder.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="createFolder" includeMetaData="true" pretty="true" dir="/sites" name="new-folder"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="new-folder" path="724663140926469594" title="" comments="" draft="" review="" finalDraft="" permissions="8191" user="0" modified="" isdirectory="Yes" size="4096" prettyName="/sites/new-folder" iconPath="img/files/dir.gif" mime-type="" parent="124561914478016686">724663140926469594</path>
Add a row to the end of a csv file. Assumes that the csv file has column names in the first row. The row to add is specified as a set of form elements having a column name and a value attribute.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
cvs-file | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the cvs-file as a symbolic path |
A result element containing a single path element that includes the metadata of the updated file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="csv.appendRow" csv-file="115393717311806343">
<form name="co1" value="2020-07-03 18:33:08"/>
<form name="col2" value="b"/>
<form name="col3" value="c"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="file.csv" path="115393717311806343" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="458" modified="458,2020-07-03 14:26:05" isdirectory="No" size="57" prettyName="/user1/file.csv" iconPath="img/files/file.gif" mime-type="text/plain" version="4" parent="834318401130303479">115393717311806343</path>
Delete a document or folder.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
ifExists | optional | optional | No error if the document or folder does not exist |
A result element containin the count of the number of documents and folders deleted.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="delete" path="945653219145194140"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
Stream the contents of a document to the output. Optionally watermark or stamp a PDF.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
version | optional | integer | The desired version of the document |
disposition | optional | string | Either inline or attachment. |
resize | optional | string | option default none; An ImageMagick dimensions specification e.g. 30x40 as width and height. |
watermark | optional | string | The text of the watermark |
watermark-position | optional | string | One of top, left, bottom, right, diagonal |
watermark-font-name | optional | string | The name of the font to use |
watermark-font-size | optional | integer | |
watermark-color | optional | string | rgb as in a comma separated string r,g,b |
watermark-mode | optional | string | One of stamp, watermark |
The contents of the document
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="download" pretty="true" path="/sites/report2.txt"/>
If optional name is supplied, check if that subpath exists with the object if the object is a directory
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
name | optional | path | A subpath of the supplied path |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="exists" path="/System Drive" name="some-file" pretty="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result exists="no"/>
Retrieve the user profile for the logged in user or an arbitrary user if admin.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user_id | optional | string | The user |
A result element containing `value` elements for each user profile key and value for the user
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="fetchUserProfile"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result user_id="340">
<value key="Organization" value="A Company"/>
<value key="Job Title" value="CEO"/>
Compute counts of the files and directories in a subtree
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
response contains a result element with attributes `dirs` and `files` and which contains the total as its text content.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="fileCount" path="151037544713428608"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result dirs="54" files="295">349</result>
Return file metadata for the specified file(s). May return more than one result for shares of the same name.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
A result element containin one path element per match.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="fileInfo" path="/System Drive/directory1" pretty="true" includeMetaData="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="directory1" path="151037544713428608" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="0" modified="0,2020-02-09 13:53:29" isdirectory="Yes" size="4096" prettyName="/System Drive/directory1" iconPath="img/files/dir.gif" mime-type="" parent="439541447604990017">151037544713428608</path>
Regenerate thumbnail, then dump the contents of the thumbnail to the output
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
The contents of the thumbnail
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="generateThumbnails" pretty="true" path="/sites/report2.txt"/>
Returns the pretty name for a path
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
result element with a `prettyName` and `id` attribute
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="getPrettyName" path="109476079367542263"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result path="109476079367542263" prettyName="/System Drive/report1.csv"/>
Check if a document has a thumbnail
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
`result` element with attribute `hasThumbnail` with value `yes` or `no`
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="hasThumbnail" pretty="true" path="/System Drive/report2.txt"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result hasThumbnail="no"/>
Download the contents of the document's icon. If name is given, the content disposition has that file name
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
name | optional | string | The name to use in the content disposistion header |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="icon" pretty="true" path="/Documentation/report2.txt"/>
Add the file to the full text index.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
result element with `indexed` attribute
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="index" path="213412696680068522"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result indexed="ok"/>
Return all api commands with whatever documentation is available.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
The response contains an attribute called "count" with the number of methods. There is one sub element with tag name "command" for each command.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="introspect"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response count="87" status="ok">
<command name="append">
<comment> Append text to a document
<parameter macro="true" type="standard-path" optional="yes">
<comment>The document to which to append text.</comment>
<parameter type="string" optional="yes">
<comment>The text to append @result
The response contains a 'result" element with a single "path" element
containing the meta data for the document.
<comment> <request command="append" pretty="yes"
path="/System Drive/report2.csv" content="x,y,z&#10;q,r,s&#10;" />
<!-- ... -->
Return a portion of the activity log
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
n | optional | int | Number of rows to return |
results | optional | int | Same as n |
offset | optional | int | Number of the first record to return |
sort | optional | csv | Each csv element is a pair: column:desc or column:asc |
type | optional | string | Type of object to return |
dirs | optional | boolean | If true return only folders |
files | optional | boolean | If true return only documents |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listActivity" rows="2" page="2"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result totalResultsAvailable="67537" totalResultsReturned="2" firstResultPosition="2">
<Result id="3" user_id="1" time_inserted="2019-01-27 01:46:28" action="Uploaded" from="/System Drive/2s.txt" to="/System Drive" description="" program_mode="ui" real_user_id="" session_id="" full_name="bryan (George Hoover)" login="bryan" firstname="George" lastname="Hoover" pretty_action="Uploaded Document"/>
<Result id="4" user_id="1" time_inserted="2019-01-27 01:47:30" action="Logout" from="bryan" to="" description="" program_mode="ui" real_user_id="" session_id="" full_name="bryan (George Hoover)" login="bryan" firstname="George" lastname="Hoover" pretty_action="Logged Out"/>
List the directory contents. If the path is "/" and pretty is true, list the user's root shares and ignore the other parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
includeMetaData | optional | boolean | If true, add metadata for the document or folder to the path elements |
n | optional | int | Number of rows to return |
results | optional | int | Same as n |
offset | optional | int | Number of the first record to return |
sort | optional | csv | Each csv element is a pair: column:desc or column:asc |
type | optional | string | Type of object to return |
dirs | optional | boolean | If true return only folders |
files | optional | boolean | If true return only documents |
files-only | optional | boolean | Return only files @params directories-only boolean Return only directories |
pattern | optional | string | A full text query string |
filter | optional | string | A string that is a substring of the names of all of the retrieved files |
glob-pattern | optional | string | A linux-like glob pattern for filtering file names |
A result element containing a path element for each matching file or directory
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listDirectory" includeMetaData="true" pretty="true" path="/System Drive/directory" files-only="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="image1.jpg" path="125220292151938759" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="1" modified="1,2020-02-08 14:32:58" isdirectory="No" size="13178" prettyName="/System Drive/pretty-test/image1.jpg" iconPath="img/files/image.gif" mime-type="image/jpeg" version="1" parent="187618080297490937">125220292151938759</path>
Return all groups @response
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listGroups"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result totalResultsAvailable="2" totalResultsReturned="2" firstResultPosition="0">
<Result id="1" name="palomino" description="Super users" lastmodified="2019-01-27 01:39:55" numofusers="34"/>
<Result id="2" name="share-test" description="Testing shares" lastmodified="2019-12-27 19:51:33" numofusers="2"/>
List the merged contents of all of the root drives
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
n | optional | int | Number of rows to return |
results | optional | int | Same as n |
offset | optional | int | Number of the first record to return |
sort | optional | csv | Each csv element is a pair: column:desc or column:asc |
type | optional | string | Type of object to return |
dirs | optional | boolean | If true return only folders |
files | optional | boolean | If true return only documents |
includeMetaData | optional | boolean | If true, add metadata for the document or folder to the path elements |
restrict | optional | string | When listing files,restrict the result to files, dirs, both |
result element containing path elements
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listRootContents"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
Return the root drives for the logged in user.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
n | optional | int | Number of rows to return |
results | optional | int | Same as n |
offset | optional | int | Number of the first record to return |
sort | optional | csv | Each csv element is a pair: column:desc or column:asc |
type | optional | string | Type of object to return |
dirs | optional | boolean | If true return only folders |
files | optional | boolean | If true return only documents |
includeMetaData | optional | boolean | If true, add metadata for the document or folder to the path elements |
A response containing path elements
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listRoots" includeMetaData="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="sites" path="124561914478016686" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="0" modified="1,2020-06-15 16:32:20" isdirectory="Yes" size="4096" prettyName="/sites" iconPath="img/files/dir.gif" mime-type="" share-name="sites" parent="439541447604990017">124561914478016686</path>
<path name="/" path="439541447604990017" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="8191" user="0" modified="" isdirectory="Yes" size="" prettyName="/System Drive" iconPath="img/files/dir.gif" mime-type="" share-name="System Drive" parent="">439541447604990017</path>
Query the WebPal users.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
n | optional | int | Number of rows to return |
results | optional | int | Same as n |
offset | optional | int | Number of the first record to return |
sort | optional | csv | Each csv element is a pair: column:desc or column:asc |
type | optional | string | Type of object to return |
dirs | optional | boolean | If true return only folders |
files | optional | boolean | If true return only documents |
search | optional | string | A string that is matched as a substring of the login, lastname, firstname, email, or groups. |
key<n> | optional | string | Any number of keys that might be stored in the user_profile table. Installation specific. |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="listUsers" rows="10" page="1"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result totalResultsAvailable="121" totalResultsReturned="10" firstResultPosition="0">
<Result id="356" login="30-DayFreeTrial@palominosys.com" name="Free Trial" email="30-DayFreeTrial@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="Trial" firstName="Free" groups="palomino, Breakfast with Dave, Weekly Buffet with Dave, Deep Dives and Market Movers, Early Morning with Dave, Technicals with Dave, Dave's Chart Deck, Special or Thematic Reports, test, test2" date_created="2020-06-11 08:53:00"/>
<Result id="279" login="aa-test-share-user00031178b2285e903cf0e37f" name="" email="aa-test-share-user00031178b2285e903cf0e37f@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="regular-share-test-group" date_created="2020-05-27 16:08:00"/>
<Result id="106" login="aa-test-share-user072638841aca6dd10881812d" name="" email="aa-test-share-user072638841aca6dd10881812d@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="" date_created="2020-05-05 10:09:00"/>
<Result id="205" login="aa-test-share-user0c5aba284a615d92fc589bf6" name="" email="aa-test-share-user0c5aba284a615d92fc589bf6@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="" date_created="2020-05-24 13:36:00"/>
<Result id="100" login="aa-test-share-user0e6011d9eb0145bd610a90a9" name="A Test" email="aa-test-share-user0e6011d9eb0145bd610a90a9@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="Test" firstName="A" groups="" date_created="2020-04-24 13:34:00"/>
<Result id="60" login="aa-test-share-user10fae99b5422" name="" email="aa-test-share-user10fae99b5422@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="share-test-group" date_created="2020-04-14 12:25:00"/>
<Result id="198" login="aa-test-share-user17916e941e5457c8990bede6" name="" email="aa-test-share-user17916e941e5457c8990bede6@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="" date_created="2020-05-18 12:06:00"/>
<Result id="292" login="aa-test-share-user1d8fbeabf023de0ebe194354" name="" email="aa-test-share-user1d8fbeabf023de0ebe194354@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="regular-share-test-group" date_created="2020-05-27 19:13:00"/>
<Result id="168" login="aa-test-share-user21504c07c36e3b8abc9a290d" name="" email="aa-test-share-user21504c07c36e3b8abc9a290d@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="" date_created="2020-05-14 10:08:00"/>
<Result id="294" login="aa-test-share-user2ded025c6e7a788e0cfadb1e" name="" email="aa-test-share-user2ded025c6e7a788e0cfadb1e@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="regular-share-test-group" date_created="2020-05-27 19:14:00"/>
Login with a user and password supplied in the args.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
login | optional | string | The user name of the user logging in |
password | optional | string | The user's password |
The response contains an element of name "sessionID" that has the session id as text content. Note that the response headers contain a session cookie for the session as well.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="login" user="user1" password="password"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<version-string>3.6.9.- build 68 Thu, 21 Jul 2016 14:49:11 -0400</version-string>
Log out from the session, clearing the cookie.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
A response with no sub elements and status "ok"
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="logout"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok"/>
Check if the named group exists, return information about the group if it exists.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
name | optional | string | The name of the group |
A result element with attributes: __exists is `yes` or `no`, id, description, name, shareCount.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="lookupGroup" name="regular-share-test-group"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result __exists="yes" id="105" description="For testing" name="regular-share-test-group" shareCount="110" shareGroup="no"/>
Returns the document id corresponding to the given pretty name
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | The pretty path to lookup up |
A result element with an id attribute
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="lookupPretty" path="/System Drive"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result path="439541447604990017"/>
Return the meta data for a file or folder
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
A result element containing elements for each of the file properties
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="setMetaData" path="822767450189213657" title="2020-06-15 18:37:55 new title" comments="2020-06-15 18:37:55 new comments" finalDraft="yes"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<title>2020-06-15 18:37:55 new title</title>
<comments>2020-06-15 18:37:55 new comments</comments>
<modified>5,2020-06-08 19:28:16</modified>
Move a document or folder to another folder
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
dest | optional | string | Destination folder as an id or path depending on value of pretty |
overwrite | optional | boolean | If true, allow the move to overwrite a file of the same name in the destination |
ifExists | optional | boolean | if true, don't return an error if source doesn't exist |
A result element containing - a count element containing the number of documents and folders moved - a path element with text content being the id of the moved object
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="move" path="901554464601974166" dir="478761745102601515" overwrite="true" ifExists="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
Check if an email or login exists in WebPal. One login or email must be provided. If both are provided, the email is checked.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
login | optional | string | A login to check |
optional | string | A email to check |
A result element with attributes `match` having values `yes` or `no` and `email` or `login` showing the requested email or login.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="noMatchingUser" email="newUser1Test.b28923770f2f95aaca@palominosys.com"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result requestEmail="newUser1Test.b28923770f2f95aaca@palominosys.com" match="yes"/>
Download the contents of a document pdf to the output
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
watermark | optional | string | The text of the watermark |
watermark-position | optional | string | One of top, left, bottom, right, diagonal |
watermark-font-name | optional | string | The name of the font to use |
watermark-font-size | optional | integer | |
watermark-color | optional | string | rgb as in a comma separated string r,g,b |
watermark-mode | optional | string | One of stamp, watermark |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="download" pretty="true" path="/System Drive/Report.pdf" watermark="Downloaded on 2020-06-12 18:54" watermark-mode="stamp" watermark-position="diagonal" watermark-font-size="30"/>
Return the integer representing the permissions for the logged in user or the named user for a document or folder. Only an admin user can check the permission for other users.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
login | optional | string | The login for the user for which to get the permissions. |
A result element containinng the permissions as a permissions attribute
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="permissions" path="/System Drive" pretty="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result permissions="8191" path="439541447604990017"/>
Simply return 'ok', keeps session alive or fails if session expired.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="ping"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="Error">
<error>NOT LOGGED IN</error>
Return recent activity display for the logged in user. This is a list of file records that have changed or been added or deleted.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
max-records | optional | int | default 6 The maxium number of records to return |
max-days | optional | int | default 18 The maxium number of days to go back |
A result element containing path elements with file information.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="recentActivity" max-records="5"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path file_id="122941992367239941" user="1" action="uploaded" from_dir="" to_dir="151037544713428608" to_user="" description="" real_user_id="" date_recorded="2020-06-16 15:14:43" sort_value="2020-06-16 11:14:43"/>
<path file_id="188285191553735703" user="1" action="uploaded" from_dir="" to_dir="151037544713428608" to_user="" description="" real_user_id="" date_recorded="2020-06-16 15:14:43" sort_value="2020-06-16 11:14:43"/>
<path file_id="847267011145829814" user="1" action="uploaded" from_dir="" to_dir="151037544713428608" to_user="" description="" real_user_id="" date_recorded="2020-06-16 15:14:42" sort_value="2020-06-16 11:14:42"/>
<path file_id="142756522281075081" user="1" action="uploaded" from_dir="" to_dir="151037544713428608" to_user="" description="" real_user_id="" date_recorded="2020-06-16 15:14:42" sort_value="2020-06-16 11:14:42"/>
<path file_id="151037544713428608" user="1" action="Create Folder" from_dir="" to_dir="103717787211901174" to_user="" description="" real_user_id="" date_recorded="2020-06-16 14:47:06" sort_value="2020-06-16 10:47:06"/>
Rename a document or folder
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
name | optional | string | The new name |
ifExists | optional | boolean | If true, do not report an error if the document or folder does not exists |
A response containing a result containing a path element that contains the id of the document or folder.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="rename" path="116071415415952886" name="the-new-name.txt"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
Reset a password and send an email to the email address if the email is known and unique.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
optional | string | The email for which to reset the password |
`result` element containing the supplied email address
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="resetPassword" email="newUser1Test.3206992c7262a8a180@palominosys.com"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result email="newUser1Test.3206992c7262a8a180@palominosys.com"/>
Change meta data fields for a document or folder
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
title | optional | string | A new title |
comments | optional | string | New comments |
review | optional | boolean | A new needs review status |
draft | optional | boolean | A new draft status |
finalDraft | optional | boolean | A new finalDraft status |
A result element containing elements for each of the file properties
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="setMetaData" path="822767450189213657" title="2020-06-15 18:37:55 new title" comments="2020-06-15 18:37:55 new comments" finalDraft="yes"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<title>2020-06-15 18:37:55 new title</title>
<comments>2020-06-15 18:37:55 new comments</comments>
<modified>5,2020-06-08 19:28:16</modified>
Return the contents of a thumbnail
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
The contents of the thumbnail
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="thumbnail" pretty="true" path="/sites/report2.txt"/>
Download the contents of a document thumbnail to the output or if an image and no thumbnail, the image
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
The thumbnail or image
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="thumbnailOrImage" pretty="true" path="/sites/report2.txt"/>
Generate PDFs for HTML downloaded from the specified URLs or for uploaded files. If no destination or path are specified, download the first PDF using the optional fileName
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | If pretty and create are true and no dest is specified, this is the full path to a WebPal folder into which the generated files are stored. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, a webpal folder can be created for path |
create | optional | boolean | If true, a webpal folder can be created for path |
dest | optional | file-argument | If specified, the folder into which the PDFs are stored. Overrides path. Use a symbolic path if pretty is true, an id otherwise. |
subdirectory | optional | string | Name of a folder to be created in dest to store the PDFs |
fileName | optional | string | Name to use on download |
urls | optional | csv | Comma separated list of URLs |
paper | optional | string | e.g. Letter |
margins | optional | csv | e.g. 1cm,1cm,1cm,1cm |
concatenate | optional | boolean | If true, concatenate the PDFs generated from the URLs |
title | optional | string | WebPal title for the newly created PDF documents |
comments | optional | string | WebPal comments for the newly created PDF documents |
Either a downloaded PDF application/pdf or a result element containing the paths of the newly created documents
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="toPDF" urls="https://google.ca"/>
Update the user profile for the logged in user or an arbitrary user if admin. Keys and values are specified as set elements of the request element.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user_id | optional | string | The user |
A result element containing `value` elements for each user profile key and value for the user
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="updateUserProfile">
<set key="Organization" value="A Company"/>
<set key="Job Title" value="CEO"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result user_id="340">
<value key="Organization" value="A Company"/>
<value key="Job Title" value="CEO"/>
Upload a document to WebPal
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
dir | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the dir as a symbolic path |
includeMetaData | optional | boolean | If true, add metadata for the document or folder to the path elements |
name | optional | string | The name of the new file |
fullPath | optional | string | A subpath in dir into which to upload the file. Folders in the path are created if they do not exists. |
addVersion | optional | boolean | If true, add a new version to existing document; if false modify the name of the uploaded document if a document of that name exists. |
title | optional | string | A title for the document |
comments | optional | string | Comments for the document |
replaceComments | optional | boolean | Replace existing comments with the new comments. |
content | optional | string | The contents of the file if no file contained in the POST body |
base64 | optional | boolean | Indicates that the content is base64 encoded |
A response element containing a path element for the uploaded file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="upload" pretty="true" name="report2.txt" dir="/sites/20200615174055" includeMetaData="true"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="report2.txt" path="555442058122671091" title="" comments="" draft="" review="" finalDraft="" permissions="8191" user="1" modified="" isdirectory="No" size="8" prettyName="/sites/20200615174055/report2.txt" iconPath="img/files/txt.gif" mime-type="text/plain" version="1" parent="724663140926469594">555442058122671091</path>
Add a user to some groups.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user-id | optional | string | The internal id of the user |
groupNames | optional | string | A comma separated list of the group names |
A result element with information about the user containing one group element for each group to which the user belongs.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="userAddGroups" user-id="5" groupNames="share-test, test-group, ShareTest, John’s Documents"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result id="5" login="test-user" name="Test User" email="test.user@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="User" firstName="Test" groups="share-test, test-group, ShareTest, John’s Documents" date_created="2019-12-27 13:58:00" displayName="Test User">
<group name="share-test"/>
<group name="test-group"/>
<group name="ShareTest"/>
<group name="John’s Documents"/>
Check if an email or login exists in WebPal. Exactly one login or email must be provided.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
login | optional | string | A login to check |
optional | string | A email to check |
A result element with attributes `exists` having values `yes` or `no` and `email` or `login` showing the requested email or login.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="userExists" email="someone@palominosys.com"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result requestEmail="someone@palominosys.com" exists="yes"/>
Returns the path name that would be used by the named user.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user | optional | string | Login for the user |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
A result element with the pretty name for the file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="userFile" path="109476079367542263" user="user1"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result prettyName="/System Drive/report1.csv">
Return information about a user.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user_id | optional | string | A user id |
login | optional | string | A user login (or email address if ALLOW_EMAIL_AS_ALT_LOGIN) |
A result element with attributes: __exists is `yes` or `no`, user attributes if the user exists.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="userInfo" user_id="380"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result __exists="yes" id="380" login="aa-test-share-user45bb5bbb6521dfb98200ffe5" name="" email="aa-test-share-user45bb5bbb6521dfb98200ffe5@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="" firstName="" groups="" date_created="2020-06-16 11:14:00" displayName="aa-test-share-user45bb5bbb6521dfb98200ffe5"/>
Remove a user from some groups.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
user-id | optional | string | The internal id of the user |
groupNames | optional | string | A comma separated list of the group names |
A result element with information about the user containing one group element for each group to which the user belongs.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="userRemoveGroups" user-id="5" groupNames="share-test, test-group, ShareTest, John's Documents"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<result id="5" login="test-user" name="Test User" email="test.user@palominosys.com" role="user" lastName="User" firstName="Test" groups="" date_created="2019-12-27 13:58:00" displayName="Test User"/>
Return file info for the identified file, including a viewer link.
Parameter | Type | Description | |
sessionID | optional | string | Provide the session id |
path | optional | string | id or symbolic path.. |
pretty | optional | boolean | If true, interpret the path as a symbolic path |
permanent | optional | boolean | If true, the link is permanent |
result element containing a single path element with full meta data plus an attribute "link" containing a viewer link.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<request command="viewerLink" path="822767450189213657"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<response status="ok">
<path name="zzz.wdoc" path="822767450189213657" title="" comments="" draft="0" review="" finalDraft="0" permissions="1975" user="5" modified="5,2020-06-08 15:28:16" isdirectory="No" size="12" prettyName="/Documents/test.wdoc" iconPath="img/files/webpal-icon-word-small.png" mime-type="text/plain" version="1" parent="414166113199212091" link="http://dm.internal/viewer/pdfViewer?k=4xOvYYCYFUYWvkzezDczvR1DDM_mHTveSe8ceBen">822767450189213657</path>