Manage Sites

Import new sites, update and add users and easily add a publish destination to WebPal Sites.


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Adding Users to WebPal Sites

  1. Begin by selecting the site you would like to add a user to

    webpal cloud server, cms, how to manage website


  1. Select the "Add" button on the right hand side of the users list. 
  2. Search or select users by name from the "Add User" window

    webpal cloud server, cms tool, content management, how to add a user to website
  3. Click "Add" and the user will now be added to the list.
    NOTE: To remove users from accessing the site, simply select the username and click the "Revoke" button.

Publishing Sites

When you are ready to publish your website for the first time, you will need to add a publish destination. WebPal can publish your site from any cloud or hosting provider. 

  1. Begin by clicking "Add Publish Destination" 
  2. Click the "Update" button from the Publish Connector window. 

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