The Laravel API
The WebPal-Core extension provides a set of wrapper classes and methods to access the WebPal Server through its API. You can develop applications that:
- use WebPal Cloud Server for user authentication, leaving the user management to a WebPal admin user
- use WebPal as the storage backend for documents, versioning, page thumbnailing, and other goodies
- build custom work flows for document management
- and others
To interact with WebPal Server in a batch or single-command session, here are some examples of some most often used API calls:
// open a new session to WebPal Cloud Server
$session = new DocumentManagerBatchSession("");
// login as a WebPal user
$session->login($user, $password);
// send an arbitrary command to WebPal, here a permissions query
$session->send('permissions', array('path' =><path> ));
// you can also send a request as an XML string
$session->sendXML('<request command="listDirectory" path="1" includeMetaData="yes" />')
// query status of the last command
if ($session->success()) { ... }
// access the server's response as an XML DOMDocument
$dom = $session->getDOM();
// for convenience, the API has functions to iterate the response, here as a list of specific tags
$list = $session->objectlistFromResponse("tagname");
// downloading and saving a document from the WebPal Server
$session->sendDownload('download', [ 'path' =><id> ], $fileName)
Class Reference
- WebPal::language()
- WebPal::webName()
- WebPal::getWebXML()
- WebPal::addExtensionScript(string link)
- WebPal::addExtensionCSS(string link)
- AppCompiler::overrideViewDesign(application name, view path, design name)
- DMLogin::getAPISession()
- DMLogin::is_logged_in()
- DMLogin::login(user name, password)
- DMLogin::logout()
- DMLogin::sessionMessage()
- DMLogin::user()
- DMLogin::user_groups()
- DMLogin::user_in_group(array groups)
- getResultStatus()
- errorStatus()
- errorReported()
- debugInfo()
- errorMessage($default = '')
- setSessionID($sessionID)
- getSessionID()
- login($userName, $password)
- logout()
- createOrUpdateUser(array $args)
- addOrUpdateSystemShare($user_id, $path,
- updateUserProfile($id, array $values)
- userExists(array $args = array())
- userInfo($login = null, array $args = array())
- userProfile($id = null, array $args = array())
- resolvePretty($name)
- listFromResponse($tagName = 'path')
- objectlistFromResponse($tagName = 'path')
- mapFromResponse($tagName = 'value',
- getPrettyName($path)
- listRoots()
- lookup($path, array $args = [])
- exists($path, $pretty = true, array $args = [])
- deletePath($path, $pretty = true, $ifExists = false)
- upload($directory, $fileName, $title, $content,
- uploadFile($directory, $fileName, $title, $contentFileName,
- createFolder($directory, $dirName, $pretty = true,
- rename($path, $name, $pretty = true, $ifExists = false)
- copy($path, $new_dir, $pretty = true,
- move($path, $new_dir, $pretty = true,
- getHeader($name)
- getHeaders()
- download($path, $pretty = true)
- downloadIcon($path, $pretty = true)
- thumbnail($path, $pretty = true)
- downloadPDF($path, $pretty = true)
- search($path, $searchString, $pretty = false, $n = null)
- getFileInfo($path, $pretty = false, $args = array())
- listPath($path, $pretty = false, $args = array())
- listDirectory($path,
- listDirectoryWithMetaData($path,
- shareViaEmail($subject,
- getMetaData($path, $pretty = false, array $parameters = array())
- updateMetaData($path, $title, $comments = null, $pretty = false)
- recentlyAdded()
- hasError()
- getError()
- getRequestInfo()
- send($command, $parameters = array(),
- toPDF(array $targets,
- sendXML($xml, $isXML = true)
- sendDownload($command, $parameters = array(), $fileName)
- getLastCommand()
- success()
- getDOM()
- getOutput()
- _readHeader($ch, $header)
- setVerifyPeer($value)
- query($xpathQuery, $node = null, $namespaceURI = null)
- newQueue()
- sendQueue()
- getResultStructure()
- queueXML(DOMDocument $xml)
- queueXMLString($xmlString)
- queue($command,
- queueLogin($userName, $password)
- queueCreateFolderIfNotExists($directory, $dirName,
- queueRenameIfExists($path, $name, $pretty = true)
- queueMoveIfExists($path, $new_dir, $pretty = true,
- queueUpload($directory, $fileName, $title, $content,
- WPXSL::replaceQuotes()
- WPXSL::getDatasheet()
- WPXSL::getGlobal()
- WPXSL::getPath()
- WPXSL::png_to_jpg()
- WPXSL::responsive_convert()
- WPXSL::theWeb()
- WPXSL::matchLang()
- WPXSL::solrSearch()
- WPXSL::webname()
- WPXSL::webpreview()
- WPXSL::request_param()
- WPXSL::findNode()
- WPXSL::nodePath()