Managing Users
As an Admin, you can add users, set up general user roles, and assign users to groups, shared drives (aka shared folders), and websites.

Adding a New User
- To add a new user, begin by clicking the "Add" button from the Users section as shown above.
- Enter the username that applies to the new account (this can be a single word or an email address). The user's settings will open up which can be seen below.

User Properties
- In User Properties Enter the first name, last name and email and update the password.
- Click "Save" and the "Send Login Details" button will appear. Click this button if you would like to share the login information with the user at this time. NOTE: As an Admin, you can always reset and send user passwords at any point.
- Select the group(s) which you would like to assign the user to. Learn more about groups here.
Shared Drives
- Select the shared drive(s) which you would like to assign the user to. Learn more about shared drives here.
- Select the website(s) which you would like to assign the user to. Learn more about managing websites here.
An SSH Key is automatically issued upon the creation of the user.