Simple List
This extension is the most simple form of a list. It maintains any number of list items in a simple table format, and displays these as an index page and click-through details pages. Use it to maintain a list of locations, simple blog articles, products, or recipes.
Item Fields
Each list item has the following information fields:
@name: this is the identifier for each list item and is used as a URL component. Use a short form of the list item, e.g. "tomato-soup" for "Delicious Home-made Tomato Soup"
@date: an optional date that is relevant for this item - can be used for sorting
title: a simple title of a row item
description: a shorter, usually single sentence description of the list item. This is displayed on the index page.
text: full-formatted text of the list item. The text may contain links, images, linked documents, and other formatting. It is only displayed on the detail page.
The list has the following sorting options:
- unsorted (i.e. using the order in which items are shown in table)
- by-title
- by-date
Sorting can be ascending, or descending.
Use of titles and description on the Index and Detail Page
For the listing-style simple, both title and description are shown on the index page. For listing-style=with-image, either the image node or the first image found in the item text is used to show a small thumbnail in the list.
By default, the following item fields are shown on the detail page: title (as Heading 1), description, text.
However, for greater flexibility, if the text itself contains a Heading 1 paragraph, then only the text field is displayed, assuming that the text content is intended to replace the title, and description.